High Desert Humane Society opens new shop, seeks volunteers


Thanks to donations from the community, High Desert Humane Society recently unveiled a shop that offers new, higher quality items. Located upstairs in the HDHS thrift store, at 150 W. Mesquite St. in Globe, the new Boutique Room features clothing, home décor and more.

“We have some really nice new items that get donated,” said HDHS Board Secretary Charlene Giles. “We really want to thank the public who donates these items for their generosity, which has enabled us to have this room.”

The new shop’s first goal is raising funds to help with roof repair and drainage issues at HDHS’ new shelter, which houses adoptable dogs, located at 700 Shelter Ave. Down the line, said Giles, it could help with repairs to the thrift store building itself. She observed that the building was 160 years old “and needs a lot.”

The Boutique Room is currently open every other Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. – but Giles, who helps look after the shop, would like to make that every Saturday. And to achieve that goal, HDHS is looking for more volunteers. If you would like to volunteer to work in this new shop, applications are available at the thrift store during business hours, Tuesday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Giles said that in 2022 HDHS, run by “a very small group of very dedicated volunteers,” spayed and neutered over 750 pets, their highest number ever, and that over 200 dogs and cats were adopted.