ADL Recognizes Hayden High School as “No Place for Hate”


ADL Arizona has designated 31 Arizona schools as No Place For Hate (NPFH). Among them is Hayden High School (HHS), which is being recognized for creating a safe learning environment, bringing awareness to the issues of bullying and bias, promoting diversity, unity and respect among students.

No Place For Hate is an ADL initiative offering students, teachers, administrators and family members the opportunity to work together to enhance a culture of respect in the school community.

The program encourages schools to complete various campus activities and projects to promote unity and reduce bullying, name-calling and other expressions of bias.

ADL Arizona Regional Director Carlos Galindo-Elvira, an HHS 1985 graduate, commented, “I am beaming with pride that Hayden High School joins 30 Arizona schools committed to campuses free of bias, bullying and bigotry.”

“The work by Hayden High School demonstrates the leadership and direction of students working toward inclusivity and respect for all students,” Galindo-Elvira added.

Hayden High School’s banner was presented to the HHS No Place for Hate Committee at a student assembly on May 15, 2019.

About No Place for Hate

No Place for Hate has been impacting schools across the country since its inception in 1999. The program is currently active in more than 1,700 schools and communities impacting 1.2 million students.

No Place for Hate provides schools with a framework for combating bias, bullying and hate. With ADL’s help, schools put long-term solutions in place for creating and maintaining a positive climate where students, faculty, administration and family members feel empowered to take a stand against hate and bullying.