Miami Annual Fall Outdoor Book Sale is Saturday Oct. 10


Stop by for a free cup of coffee - it’s October and of course we’ll have pumpkin spice creamer available along with regular -- and enjoy a relaxed Autumn Saturday morning browsing tables filled with a selection of books, DVDs, games, puzzles and more at Miami’s Memorial Park on Sullivan Street Oct. 10, from 9 a.m. until noon. Having the annual sale outdoors at the park on Sullivan Street allows proper physical distancing; please help event organizers adhere to common-sense Covid-19 precautions and ‘mask-up.’ Sanitizer will be available for safe book shopping hygiene, too.

“Fall is finally in the air, and a few seasonal traditions are returning such as our annual book sale hosted by Friends of the Miami Memorial Library,” said Miami Library Manager Susan Pontel. “This is an important fundraiser for our library, and a perfect way to get outside and enjoy one of our lovely October mornings. This was a challenging year for all of our libraries across Gila County, but our staff and volunteers found creative ways to continue serving the public, whether it was contactless curbside pickup of books and DVDs, or storytime programs for toddlers that moved online. I’d like to add a thank you to Vida e Caffe for providing coffee to help make our morning special and thank everyone who donated books, movies on DVD, musical CDs, puzzles and games for our sale.”

For more information about the sale, or to arrange a donation this week of your gently-used and clean books, DVDs or CDs, games or puzzles, connect on Facebook (search keywords Miami Memorial Library) or call Ms. Pontel or other library staff and volunteers at 928-473-2621.