Resolution Copper supports Arizona’ future through GHS Robotics program


In an area tied to Arizona’s rich mining history, there is a partnership flourishing that exposes students of Arizona’s oldest high school to the skills needed to work in one of the most complex mines in the world.
With a copper deposit resting more than one mile underground, Resolution Copper has partnered with local school districts to provide educational opportunities for its future employees before they even graduate from high school.

Resolution Copper began its partnership with the Globe Unified School District (GUSD) in 2014, with the aim of promoting STEM education in local schools through robotics.

GUSD Superintendent Jerry Jenex said, “Resolution has been with Globe Robotics since the team’s inception, allowing us to finance team growth and participation. Our thanks go out many times over to the company for appreciating and valuing the potential of our program.”

The GUSD robotics program has grown from five students to more than 200, with 20 students attending higher education institutions.

The NASA Team had selected the Globe Robotics team to compete in the World Championships against more than 3,700 teams in Houston, Texas.

The judges also announced that Globe had the most innovative arm for their robot, which was designed in a way that made the robot faster and more agile.

With 548 students, Globe is the smallest school in the U.S. to win a regional competition

Despite not taking home the championship, the team competed at one of the highest levels and held the top defensive ranking.

Stakeholder Engagement Analyst Bryan Seppela, with Resolution Copper, said, “I couldn’t be prouder of the Globe Unified School District Robotics program. As a team mentor since 2014, I have seen the program grow immensely” 

“The Resolution Copper partnership demonstrates the value of STEM Education,” said Team Captain Bradley Pollack, GHS Class of 2021. “It has allowed the GUSD Robotics program to grow and develop in our ability to compete more successfully and to provide a greater impact with local community outreach.”