

While doing a crossword puzzle, you sometimes have a one word clue and your mind is drawn several directions.

What I mean to address here is a narrative tale, not “story” as in the world’s tallest three story building in Globe.

My Dad was a great story teller and to the best of my knowledge they were true.  I always enjoyed them and thought they would always be with me, but many have slipped away.

When my children were young, I would drive them to their bus stop and in those few minutes would share with them a story, a pun, or a joke for their day. They would groan when they felt one coming. Finally, my daughter told me that I should put them in a book…and burn it.

Jesus was a great story teller. Many of his stories are recorded in the various books of the Bible and are for our enjoyment and edification. He tailored the story to the audience, what they needed to hear, in a manner they could understand and would accept. 

Today, we refer to these as parables: The foolish rich man; The great supper; The prodigal son; The unjust steward; and The rich man and Lazarus.

Thought provoking, each one has at least one message and time has not changed it. The prodigal son is repeated in many families even today.

A friend gave a painting of this story and while the original theme is intact, the son is wearing Levis, has a wrist watch, and other items of today.

Maybe families should re-read and discuss the true messages.